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We have eight different ad rates to offer, including a web directory on our website. We believe the reach this magazine will garner can ensure your brand/company gets noticed by thousands. We are high quality in print and content, ensuring longevity in the hands of your consumers. Advertising must inherently make a mark on your prospective customers, and we’re confident the modern design behind our magazine will achieve that goal. Our ad sizes can adopt various conformations. We’re sure to have ad space which fits with your current advertising campaigns. We also provide ad creation services to help you achieve that perfect ad you’ve been envisioning.

We allocate our magazines throughout BC with a strategic distribution method. Modern Agriculture Magazine has taken extra steps to ensure your advertisement is reaching your intended target market. Through a close partnership with Canada Post we deliver the magazine directly to the homes of your potential customers. As a bonus, all ads will be included not only in print, but also in the e-version of the magazine which is available on our website 24/7, 365 days a year.

This competitive advantage ensures that your advertisement is seen by the market that matters most to you.

Click here to download our Printable Media Kit (PDF)

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For advertising inquiries, please contact [email protected]