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Creating a Bee-Friendly Garden

DIY: A Few Simple Homemade Devices Can Go a Long Way

Have you noticed a dearth of pollinators in your garden of late? Honeybee numbers are declining due to several factors, and it’s finally starting to make headlines. The loss of bee colonies has far-reaching consequences that go well beyond missing the honey on your morning granola. About one third of our crops are pollinated by bees.1 Without these busy little bugs, fresh fruit and vegetables will become far more expensive, and less available.

As research on what’s happening to our bees continues to emerge, it’s easy to feel powerless about fixing the problem. But by observing sound planting policies and a few easy green DIY tips, you can make your garden an oasis for our pollinators, who currently need all the help they can get from us! Here are some ways to help keep them around and promote the health of your garden and these helpful busy little bugs.


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