Cate Pedersen
171 posts
Stop and Smell the Lavender
By Ronda Payne Lavender isn’t exactly a new crop to BC, but it certainly is one that’s growing…
August 26, 2016
25 Ways to Use Lavender
Lavender is a crop gaining in popularity in BC. The variety of species and uses in a myriad of products…
August 26, 2016
Turning Egg Money into an Education
By Robyn Roste Every day before and after school 15-year-old Jenisa Los waters, feeds, and collects eggs from…
August 22, 2016
Genomic Sequencing of Apples and Cherries
Protecting BC’s Cultivars: Genomic Sequencing of Apples and Cherries from Genome BC BC’s interior tree fruit industry generates $130…
August 2, 2016
Grounds of Dispute
Insurance Claims & Litigation in Agriculture Tom Baumann, Expert Agriculture Team Ltd. Ian MacKinnon, RDM Lawyers LLP Modern…
July 11, 2016
Hazelnut Futures
How Hazelnut Growers are Saving BC’s Filbert Industry By Ronda Payne It might be said the writing was…
July 7, 2016
Eggplants and Truffles in BC
Cultured Crops: Eggplants and Truffles in BC Beyond the everyday, lie a few crop options adventurous farmers may…
June 23, 2016
Abbotsford Agriculture Adventure
by Cate Pedersen, Editor Field Trip!! YES! I got to attend my second ag bus tour and had…
June 20, 2016
Beef Cattle Biology: Seeking Clues to Improve Feed Efficiency
A broad research program is revealing insights to benefit beef cattle productivity while providing training for academics and…
June 19, 2016
The Art of Living Beautifully: Tanglebank Gardens & Brambles Bistro
[infobox title=’Field & Feast’] We are honoured to feature this article written by Brenda Falk, owner of Tanglebank Gardens…
June 7, 2016